Sdk 7.0a Download
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Active5 days ago
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May 19, 2010  Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7 and.NET Framework 4 provides tools, compilers, headers, libraries, code samples, and a new help system that developers can use to. This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. To install signtool.exe download the Windows 8 or Windows 7 SDK from the following page. Windows 8 or 7: Directx 7 0 free download - Microsoft DirectX Drivers (Windows 95), Microsoft DirectX Drivers (Windows 98/98SE/Me), Microsoft DirectX Redistributable (June 2010), and many more programs.

May 19, 2010  Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7 and.NET Framework 4. For this release, the Windows SDK is available thru a web setup (this page) that enables you to selectively download and install individual SDK components or a via an ISO image. The problem seems to be that the tools version delivered with Visual Studio is version 7.0A, while the version delivered with the Windows SDK is version 7.1. That's all very well, but MSBuild.exe is still looking for the version 7.0A registry keys, which don't exist. This has to be a bug!

How to install SignTool.exe in Visual Studio 2015 for Windown 10?I tried to build my project but the program threw an error :

Error An error occurred while signing: SignTool.exe not found.

3,65310 gold badges33 silver badges46 bronze badges
1,0664 gold badges15 silver badges33 bronze badges

9 Answers

You need to install the Windows 10 SDK.

  1. Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 contains it already, but it is not installed by default. You should go to Control Panel -> Programs and Features, find Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 and select 'Change'.

Visual Studio 2015 setup will start. Select 'Modify'.

In Visual Studio components list find 'Universal Windows App Development Tools', open the list of sub-items and select 'Windows 10 SDK (10.0.10240)'.

  1. Of cause you can install Windows 10 SDK directly from Microsoft:

As josant already wrote - when the installation finishes you will find the SignTool.exe in the folders:

  • x86 -> c:Program Files (x86)Windows Kits10binx86
  • x64 -> c:Program Files (x86)Windows Kits10binx64
1,1151 gold badge7 silver badges5 bronze badges

If you only want SignTool and really want to minimize the install, here is a way that I just reverse-engineered my way to:

  1. Download the .iso file from (current download link is The .exe download will not work, since it's an online installer that pulls down its dependencies at runtime.
  2. Unpack the .iso with a tool such as 7-zip.
  3. Install the Installers/Windows SDK Signing Tools-x86_en-us.msi file - it's only 388 KiB large. For reference, it pulls in its files from the following .cab files, so these are also needed for a standalone install:
    • (339 KiB)
    • (1002 KiB)
    • (389 KiB)
    • (1.2 MiB)

There we go - you will now have the signtool.exe file and companions in C:Program Files (x86)Windows Kits10bin10.0.17763.0x64 (replace x64 with x86, arm or arm64 if you need it for another CPU architecture.)

It is also possible to commit signtool.exe and the other files from this folder into your version control repository if want to use it in e.g. CI scenarios. I have tried it and it seems to work fine.

(All files are probably not necessary since there are also some other .exe tools in this folder that might be responsible for these dependencies, but I am not sure which ones could be removed to make the set of files even smaller. Someone else is free to investigate further in this area. :) I tried to just copy signtool.* and that didn't work, so at least some of the other files are needed.)

Per LundbergPer Lundberg
1,9561 gold badge25 silver badges33 bronze badges

As per the comments in the question.. On Windows 10 Signtool.exe and other SDK tools have been moved into '%programfiles(x86)%Windows Kits'.

Typical path to signtool on Windows 10.

  • 32 bit = 'c:Program Files (x86)Windows Kits10binx86signtool.exe'
  • 64 bit = 'c:Program Files (x86)Windows Kits10binx64signtool.exe'

Tools for SDK 8.0 and 8.1 also reside in the 'Windows Kits' folder.

2,7281 gold badge17 silver badges30 bronze badges
Daniel KmakDaniel Kmak
14.3k6 gold badges54 silver badges76 bronze badges

It's 2019 now :) For anyone wondering, here's where you'll find it:

C:Program Files (x86)Windows Kits10App Certification Kit



If you're using VS Express 2015, just go to your control panel --> programs and features --> select vs 2015 --> click change, then in the VS Express installer select 'Modify' --> select Publishing tools, and finish. Once setup completes the changes you will be able to create your installer.


You should go to Control Panel -> Programs and Features, find Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 and select 'Change'.Visual Studio 2015 setup will start. Select 'Modify'.

In Visual Studio components list, open the list of sub-items and select 'ClickOnce Publication Tools' and 'Windows 10 SDK' too.


I did a modify with the Visual Studio from Control Panel, Programs and Features. The SDK was not at first apparent so I installed the Common Tools which lo and behold did include the SDK Update 3.

Maryjane EldredMaryjane Eldred

In 2019, this is a quite recent link from Microsoft about how to obtain this tool:

The SignTool tool is a command-line tool that digitally signs files, verifies signatures in files, or time stamps files. For information about why signing files is important, see Introduction to Code Signing. The tool is installed in the Bin folder of the Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) installation path.

SignTool is available as part of the Windows SDK, which you can download from

I only needed signtool, so I chose the minimal I came up with and signtool.exe is now in C:Program FilesMicrosoft SDKsWindowsv7.1Binsigntool.exe

Microsoft article link:


protected by eyllanescMar 31 '18 at 22:33

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Active10 months ago

I'm having a problem on my TeamCity CI build server where during compilation I get the following error:

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C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv4.0.30319Microsoft.Common.targets(2342, 9): error MSB3086: Task could not find 'AL.exe' using the SdkToolsPath ' or the registry key 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftMicrosoft SDKsWindowsv7.0A'. Make sure the SdkToolsPath is set and the tool exists in the correct processor specific location under the SdkToolsPath and that the Microsoft Windows SDK is installed

I've found similar reports from a year ago when people were upgrading to .NET 3.5, for example this one. In that case, installing the latest SDK solved the issue, however I have already installed the latest SDK (Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 4) on my build server. The MSBuild tools are all there on the server, in a folder called


and AL.exe exists in

C:Program FilesMicrosoft SDKsWindowsv7.1BinNETFX 4.0 Tools

However the registry key mentioned in the error message does not exist. So, it seems like there is something wrong with the installation/configuration of MSBuild. This error only happens for projects that have embedded resources, which require AL.exe.

Tim LongTim Long
7,91115 gold badges70 silver badges134 bronze badges

8 Answers

As you have install the latest SDK (I'm assuming that's v7.1)

  1. Go to 'Microsoft Windows SDK v7.1' from the Start menu
  2. Select 'Windows SDK 7.1 Command Prompt' and enter
  3. cd Setup

  4. WindowsSdkVer -version:v7.1

This will tell msbuild to use that version of the tools without needing to do any scary registry editing.

Code Lღver
14.7k13 gold badges46 silver badges68 bronze badges

Even though the question is quite old but it still appears in the top of google search results so I decided to post my solution as well. I have trapped into same issue while during TeamCity setup on Windows Server 2016 and Windows 10 Pro.

I have installed Microsoft Build Tools 2015 and Windows 10 SDK (Only tools for .NET 4.6.2) and got the error from question.

The missing puzzle was to set environment variable: TargetFrameworkSDKToolsDirectory=C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SDKsWindowsv10.0AbinNETFX 4.6.2 Tools.

After setting environment variable MSBuild was able to resolve all needed tools including AL.exe and build succeeded.

Download Windows 7 Sdk

Please let me know if same can be achieved by setting values in registry, but otherwise environment variables also works very well in this case and no installation of VS is needed.

Andrii LitvinovAndrii Litvinov
7,6632 gold badges28 silver badges41 bronze badges

You also need to apply the following registry fix to update msbuild to point to the V7.1 sdk values.


I had the same problem there, here's my simple answer to this.

After you have installed the Microsoft Windows SDK 7.1 on the TeamCity Server.

In Regedit Change this key


Wai Ha Lee
6,55112 gold badges43 silver badges67 bronze badges

Sdk 7.0a Download Pc


I have a simple, effective fix.

The problem seems to be that the tools version delivered with Visual Studio is version 7.0A, while the version delivered with the Windows SDK is version 7.1. That's all very well, but MSBuild.exe is still looking for the version 7.0A registry keys, which don't exist. This has to be a bug!

Looking in my registry, all the information for V6.0 and V7.1 is present and correct. So my solution is simple. I created a registry link that makes an alias of the 7.1 keys.

It's not possible to create registry links using the built-in tools, so I downloaded a little utility called 'regln' from here.

C:>regln-x86.exe 'RegistryMachineSOFTWAREMicrosoftMicrosoft SDKsWindowsv7.0A' 'Registry MachineSOFTWAREMicrosoftMicrosoft SDKsWindowsv7.1'

Job done. MSBuild now works perfectly on the TeamCity server.

Tim LongTim Long
7,91115 gold badges70 silver badges134 bronze badges

Ran into the same issue setting up a new build server on Windows 10.Found and installed the latest (at the time) Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 4 and that solved the problem.


We recently had this problem trying to get our .Net 4.0 builds working. We found that the location of al.exe had changed between where the original MSBuild that came with .Net 4.0 looks, and the Visual Studio SDK for .Net 4.0 (which was released later).

Since the only standalone installation of the SDK tools available is the one we had already installed without success (the one you mentioned), the only solution we could think of was to install Visual Studio on the build agents. We put Visual Studio 2010 Express (to keep the installation as lightweight as possible) on there and the problem went away. Not a pretty solution, but it did work - installing VS2010 also installs the SDK tools of the specific version that MSBuild appears to be looking for.

This is a problem that really shouldn't happen, but there didn't seem to be a way of making MSBuild look in the correct place for the tools, even hacking around in the registry.

69.1k18 gold badges151 silver badges189 bronze badges

Add system env. variable TargetFrameworkSDKToolsDirectory

Sdk 7.0a Download Pc

like this:

TargetFrameworkSDKToolsDirectory=C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SDKsWindowsv10.0AbinNETFX 4.6.2 Tools

restart VS

None of this worked at all.I apologize, it's been a rocky few days. So yesterday I attempted to install drivers from this website for an adapter (Jan 25th was driver upload date).Upon downloading it, my mouse stopped working.I thought, 'weird', let me try a different USB mouse.Not working.I attempted reinstalling the HID Compliant drivers.Nothing.Let me be clear, the mouse does not work in any port. Mouse The keyboard works fine, and the Wacom Tablet I'm using to move around works fine as well. But mice don't.Upon further inspection, i attempted to system restore and do a system reset from inside Windows. No mouse works in any port.


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