Install Apache Windows 7
Install Apache Windows 7 4,1/5 6586 votes

Setup and configure a local server to test your PHP and Perl scripts

  1. Apache Web Server Windows 7
  2. Install Apache Spark Windows 7
  3. Apache 2.4 Windows Installer

We hope you installed and setup apache web server on your windows pc, if you’ve followed our previous article then get ready for this one, because in this detailed article you are going to learn that what is php, why you should use php and how one can install php on his/her windows operating system. This article explains how to install PHP on Windows 7. This includes how to install the whole PHP, Apache and MySQL on Windows 7. You'll also learn how to configure the environment to ensure that the server is running correctly. How install Apache 2.4 PHP 7.1 and MySQL 5.7.18 on Windows Server 2016 Introduction This post is a how to guide for installing Apache, PHP and MySQL on the latest release. How to Install Tomcat on Windows 7. Apache Tomcat is a web server, or application server (HTTP), which has the ability to provide an environment to run Java code. It comes with multiple features like sophisticated management, configuration.

by Christopher Heng,

Many webmasters choose to install a copy of the Apache web server on their machines so that they can test theirPHP andPerl scripts before theyupload it to their 'live' websites.This allows them to fix any problems on their site before it actually affects their website's visitors. This article deals with how youcan set up and configure Apache 2 on your own computer so that you can test your scripts and site.

Apache Web Server Windows 7

Preliminary Notes

  • For a More Updated Tutorial

    If you prefer to install a package that bundles a pre-configured and integrated version of Apache, PHP, MySQL and Perl,please see How to Installand Configure Apache, PHP, Perl and MySQL on Windows the Easy Way (with XAMPP) instead. The latter tutorial hasthe advantage that it was written at a later date than this one, and deals with the latest versions of the softwarementioned.

  • Which Version of Apache to Use

    At present, there are multiple versions of Apache available: the 1.3 series, the 2.0, 2.2 and 2.4 series. You should choose theversion that matches the one used by your web host. If you are using Apache 1.3, you should probably check out my other tutorial,How to Install Apache 1.x on Windows. Pleasenote that this tutorial only deals with Apache 2.0 and 2.2, and not version 2.4 or later. If you want to install 2.4 or later,see the XAMPP tutorial Imentioned above.

  • If You're Using Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Later

    If you're using Windows Vista, please see theHow to Install Apache 2.2 on Windows Vistatutorial instead. The later versions of Windows require a different installation procedure.

  • For Offline Testing

    This installation guide is meant for people who want to install Apache for private offline use, such as to test your own scripts orwebsite on your own machine. It is not intended for you to set up a 'live' website that is connected to the Internet. The instructions heredo not take into account things like security or your real domain namesand the like, which you will need to configure for if your server is going to be exposed to the Internet.

Steps to Installing and Configuring Apache 2 for Windows XP

  1. Download Apache 2

    Firstly, download a copy of Apache 2. Since we are talking about Apache 2 here, be sure toscroll down the page to the appropriate section. Select the 'Other files' link in that section to get a complete listing of the available Apache 2versions. In the new page that appears, click the 'binaries' folder followed by the 'win32' folder. A list of files with different version numberswill be listed.

    If you want the Apache 2.0 series, and the current version of the Apache 2.0 series is, say, 2.0.61,look for the file named 'apache-2.0.61-win32-x86-no_ssl.msi'. Likewise if you want the Apache 2.2 series, and the current version is, say,2.2.6, go for the file named 'apache-2.2.6-win32-x86-no_ssl.msi'.

    Click it and save the file to your hard disk. Remember where you saved it so that you can run it later.

  2. Run the Apache Installer

    When you have finished downloading the file, double-click it to run the Apache installer. Kuch to hai mp3 download pagalworld. Follow the instructions to install Apache.

    When you arrive at the 'Server Information' dialog box, enter 'localhost' (without the quotes) for the Network Domain as well as for the Server Nameand whatever email address you wish for the 'Administrator's Email Address' field. The installer uses the information you enter to create adefault Apache configuration file for you. You can always go back and manually change these values in your configuration file if you change yourmind later. Leave the default setting of 'for All Users, on Port 80, as a Service' as it is. Click 'Next' when you're done.

    When asked about the Setup Type, select 'Typical' and click 'Next'.

    Allow the installer to install to the default folder in the next screen. Note that this tutorial will assume that you are using the defaultfolder of 'c:Program FilesApache Group' here. Click 'Next'.

    Finally click the 'Install' button to allow the installer to set up Apache. When it is done, click the 'Finish' button.

  3. Enabling and Disabling the Apache Service

    The Apache installer automatically starts the Apache service when it finishes the installation. If you ever wish to stopthe Apache 2 service and only start it manually when you need to use it for testing, go to Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services,look for the 'Apache2' service and double-click it. From here you can stop the service and change the startup type to 'Manual'. The Apache servicewill then terminate and only start when you return to this control panel applet to manually start it. This is useful if, like me, you're only usingthe server to test your scripts, and don't want the server running all the time.

  4. Changing the Server Name and Administrator's Email Address

    If you want to change the server name that you entered when you set up Apache, use the Start menuto open the Apache configuration file: you can find the appropriate item atStart -> Programs -> Apache HTTP Server -> Configure Apache Server -> Edit the Apache httpd.conf Configuration File.

    A Notepad window will open with your Apache configuration file loaded. If you ever need to load your configuration file with anotherASCII editor, it can be found at'C:Program FilesApache GroupApache2confhttpd.conf' for Apache 2.0 and'C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2' for Apache 2.2.

    Search for the following text and replace the 'localhost' with the name you want.

    ServerName localhost:80

    Likewise if you want to change the Administrator's Email Address that you entered earlier, look for a line like the following:

    The exact email address displayed will be different, depending on what you entered during the setup process earlier.

    5.1 surround sound test download. In general, if you are just setting up Apache for private offline testing, you can basically leave these settings as they are.

  5. Configuring Apache to Accept Server Side Includes (SSI)

    If you want the web server to parse Server Side Includes (SSI directives), search for the text 'server-side includes' in the file. Add the following lines just after the block of text containing those words:

    AddType text/html .shtml
    AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .shtml

    Alternatively, you can uncomment the example text given in the configuration file by removing the hash prefix ('#') before each line.

    Apache will now handle the SSI directives that occur in files with names ending in '.shtml'.

    If you want 'index.shtml' to be your default start page for your directories, ie, if youwant Apache to load 'index.shtml' when you type 'localhost' or 'localhost/directory/', youwill need to search for a line in your 'httpd.conf' that begins with 'DirectoryIndex' andadd index.shtml to the list of files there. For example, modify it as follows:

    Adding it before index.html means that Apache will give preference to index.shtml if both are present.

  6. Save the Configuration File and Restart Apache

    When you are satisfied with your changes, save the file - just use the 'Save' item from the 'File' menu or type Ctrl+S. After you make a configurationchange, you need to restart Apache. To do this, go to the Start Menu and click the 'Restart' item in the 'Control Apache' folder, that is, selectStart -> Programs -> Apache HTTP Server -> Control Apache Server -> Restart.

How to Test Your Apache Server

To test if your server is installed and configured properly, open up a browser and type 'localhost' in the location bar of your browser.You should be able to see the default Apache test page.

Where to Place Your Website

By default, your pages should be placed in the 'C:Program FilesApache GroupApache2htdocs' folder for Apache 2.0 andthe 'C:Program FilesApache Software FoundationApache2.2htdocs' folder for Apache 2.2. When your site is ready, simply delete theexisting files in the folder and replace them with those you want to test.

The Next Step

The next thing to do is to learn how you can install PHP to workwith your Apache web server. You can find the tutorial for this at

This article can be found at

Copyright © 2007-2018 by Christopher Heng. All rights reserved.
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Install Apache Spark Windows 7

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This page was last updated on 27 April 2018.

  • PHP 7 Tutorial
  • PHP 7 Useful Resources
  • Selected Reading

To install Apache with PHP 5 on Windows follow the given steps. If your PHP and Apache versions are different then please take care accordingly.

Step 1

  • Download Apache server from You want the current stable release version with the no_src.msi extension. Double-click the installer file to install; C:Program Files is a common location. The installer will also ask you whether you want to run Apache as a service or from the command line or DOS prompt. We recommend you do not install as a service, as this may cause problems with startup.

  • Extract the PHP binary archive using your unzip utility; C:php7 is a common location.

  • Rename php.ini-development to php.ini. Open this file in a text editor (for example, Notepad). Edit this file to get the configuration directives; At this point, we highly recommend that the new users set error reporting to E_ALL on their development machines.

  • Tell your Apache server where you want to serve files from and what extension(s) you want to identify the PHP files (.php is the standard, but you can use .html, .phtml, or whatever you want). Go to your HTTP configuration files (C:Program FilesApache GroupApacheconf or whatever your path is), and open httpd.conf with a text editor. Search for the word DocumentRoot (which should appear twice) and change both the paths to the directory you want to serve files out of. (The default is C:Program FilesApache GroupApachehtdocs.). Add at least one PHP extension directive as shown in the first line of the following code −

Step 2

Open a text editor. Type: <?php phpinfo(); ?>. Save this file in your Web server's document root as info.php. Start any Web browser and browse the file. You must always use an HTTP request ( or http://localhost/info.php or rather than a filename (/home/httpd/info.php) for the file to be parsed correctly

You will see a long table of information about your new PHP installation message Congratulations!

Apache 2.4 Windows Installer
